Main ContentProfessional Development
Professional development involve not only educational activities but also management, professionalism, team building, educational activities, interpersonal communication, teaching, technology, and accountability.
The organizations, below, provide practical training for practicing physicians.
Program Directors and Faculty
- Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) provides an extensive collection of resources to help program directors and institutional and program coordinators do their jobs, and gain context and depth of knowledge about Graduate Medical Education. nts and fellows.
- Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) covers all aspects of medical education. Especially concerned with policy and organizational/administrative aspects but has many resources for teachers, especially initiatives to promote quality and set "gold standard" recommendations.
- American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG) is the specialty's largest professional membership organization dedicated to the improvement of women's health.
- Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors (AFMRD) is designed to address the unique needs of family medicine residency directors and the public. Provides on-line library of resources, checklists and sample documents from variety of residency programs, and Residency Performance Index (RPI) a data collections system that allows individual programs to gauge and improve their performance in the metrics measured.
- Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine (APDIM) is the international organization of accredited internal medicine residency programs. The association represents program directors, associate and assistant program directors, core faculty, program administrators and coordinators, fellowship coordinators, and other key faculty involved in the internal medicine residency program.
- Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD) provides resources to help in day-to-day activities and professional and program development. Membership is comprise of more than 2,000 pediatricians at over 180 institutions.
- Association of Program Directors in Surgery provides advice, assistance, and support to program directors on matters pertaining to surgical education and accreditation.
- Consortium of Neurology Program Directors provides forum for exchange that encourages program directors, associate program directors, directors, and fellowship directors to bring their questions forward and share ideas with their peers. The consortium offers policy and guidelines, CME online learning opportunities and networking opportunities.
- Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) is an association of nearly 5,000 innovative family medicine educators. Includes medical school professors, preceptors, residency program faculty, residency program directors and others involved in family medicine education. The site's Resources for New Faculty Page includes a glossary of terms and acronyms, extensive Resource Library and useful tips for new faculty.
Program Coordinators and Administrators
- Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) provides an extensive collection of resources to help program directors and institutional and program coordinators do their jobs, and gain context and depth of knowledge about Graduate Medical Education.
- The ACGME Coordinator Advisory Group serves a s a consultative body to the ACGME administration concerning coordinator, graduate medical education, learning environment, and accreditation matters. The group is comprised of up to 12 members. Of these, two to three are institutional coordinators and two to three members are program coordinators representing a range of specialties and subspecialties. The Coordinator Advisory Group meets twice a year, and members serve three-year terms.
- American Academy of Neurology provides resources that support neurology residency and fellowship coordinators in their professional roles.
- American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Training supports the professional development of administrators of general and subspecialty psychiatry training programs.
- Association of Family Medicine Administration (AFMA) is dedicated to the professional growth and development of its members with particular emphasis on administration and coordination of health care delivery, education, and research within Family Medicine Residency Programs.
- Association for Hospital Medical Education (AHME) serves as a resource and advocate for medical education professionals throughout the U.S. by way of educational meetings, publications and networking events to all individuals involved in the administration of undergraduate, graduate and continuing education.
- Training Administrators of Graduate Medical Education (TAGME) offers certification for Program Administrators, Program Coordinators, Institutional GME Administrators and Administrative Designated Institutional Officers (DIOs) of accredited ACGME or AOA residency and fellowship programs. Certification sets a national professional standard for administrators of core and subspecialty programs and enhances career development. Assessment is available in the spring and fall for residency and fellowship administrators. The application window for the fall assessment is March 1-May 31.
Designated Institutional Officials
The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) has created a Designated Institutional Officials (DIO) section that provides broad-based resources for DIOs and others involved in graduate medical education at the institutional level, as well as news items and time-sensitive communications.
ACGME's Institutional Review Committee and its staff provides documents and resources to assist ACGME-accredited Sponsoring Institutions and those applying for accreditation. Information for Sponsoring Institutions is found in each of the following ACGME links below, as applicable:
ACGME Institutional Review Links and Accreditation Resources